MoMA Asks Visitors to Leave Their Mark

NEW YORK—I stopped by the MoMA design store this evening and discovered this fabulous collaborative art project. The installation fronts a vacant lot on 53rd Street on the west side of MoMA.

Earlier this year, MoMA wanted to find a “fun, creative” way for the more than 3 million people who visit the museum annually to share their experiences exploring its galleries. The resulting project, “I went to MoMA and…,” was introduced in February. The museum distributed notecards featuring the entreaty: “What’s your story? Leave your mark on MoMA.” Visitors obliged, writing feedback, random thoughts and even drawing messages about their visits.

The effort has been expanded to the fence erected in front of a vacant lot adjacent to the modern art institution. There, selected notecards are reproduced, poster-size, on a series of mesh panels, creating a wall of literary and visual musings. It is quite a sight.

Read more about the project on MoMA’s blog.

All photos by Arts Observer

On February 26, Derek from New York declared he had reinvented himself.

On March 27, Andrew from Brooklyn wrote: “I looked ate [sic] German expressionists prints.”

On February 27, Jason from Michigan confided that he “drew people” when he visited MoMA.

In March, Chris “said goodbye to NYC,” and apparently moved to Los Angeles.

On April 6, Jim from San Francisco decided to draw his experience.

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