Spotted: Shepard Fairey Mural on the Side of Logan Hardware

WASHINGTON, DC—On the way to Whole Foods in Logan Circle, I noticed a striking red mural by Shepard Fairey on the side of Logan Hardware. It turned out to be an entire alley of art. The first image shows a young boy soldier who is shouldering a rifle, at the same time, a flower is blossoming from his beret and his uniform features a peace patch.

All images by Arts Observer

“Duality of Humanity 2” by Shepard Fairey was installed in October 2008.

The background of the Fairey mural includes “Power to the People” images of a black woman with a large Afro.

At left, “Toxic City Avenger” by Shepard Fairey

Further down the alley is a series of equally stunning, boldly-colored art installations that appear to be by other artists.

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