Inspired by Her Roots, Jazz-Minh Moore’s Latest Work Has a Muted Power

NEW YORK—Jazz-minh Moore is inspired by her background. Moore’s latest work features her sister, Asia Kindred, and a deteriorating cabin on a property in Oregon where the artist was born. The paintings are infused with symbolism visible in Asia’s tattoos and markings on the wood scraps.

The striking series, “Is That All There Is,” is exhibited at Lyons Wier Gallery. The softness of the muted desert tones contrast with the badass persona of the artist’s subject and her rustic environment. The aesthetic mashup is a defining strength of the work.

Moore describes her birthplace as a “hippie commune” in the redwood forests of Oregon. She was raised “in a small house on a dirt road near San Diego” and today, lives and works in New York.

“Is That All There Is” was on view from Jan. 5 to Jan. 28, 2012, and concluded yesterday.

All photos by Arts Observer

Above, “My Pantheon,” 2011; Top of page, “Cyclops,” 2011 (both acrylic on birch panel).

From left, “Rocket,” 2011 (acrylic, resin and found object on birch panel); “Come On In,” 2011 (acrylic and resin on birch panel).

“The Tower,” 2011 (acrylic on birch panel).

From left, “Epic as Fuck, 2011; “Bite My Lip,” 2011 (both acrylic on birch panel).

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