Flea Market Inspiration: Laura Lancaster’s Work References Found Imagery

NEW YORK—Laura Lancaster finds inspiration wherever society’s cast-offs are for sale. The British painter scours flea markets and second-hand shops for her source materials—old photographs, any image with a story to tell. She uses broad strokes and imprecise depictions that emphasize the anonymity of her subjects. And paint drips from her canvases, a conceit that casts a melancholy veil over the works. Lancaster’s paintings were on view at The Armory Show where Workplace Gallery, a contemporary gallery in the UK owned by artists, featured her work in a solo show.

All photos by Arts Observer

Above, Detail of “Untitled” diptych. Top of page, Laura Lancaster’s paintings were exhibited in a solo show at the Work Place Gallery booth at the Armory Show, where a rep sits before “Untitled,” 2012 (oil on linen, diptych).

“Untitled,” 2012 (oil on canvas).

“Golem II,” 2012 (oil on linen).

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