Franklin Evans’s Art-Making Process Has Taken Over Sue Scott Gallery

NEW YORK—Where does all of the brilliance come from? Artist’s minds work in many different ways. Some artists are particularly regimented and organized; others are scattered, a flurry of ideas and concepts. Franklin Evans likely falls into the latter category, which makes his exhibit at Sue Scott Gallery both fascinating and overwhelming. A mixed-media installation, “eyesontheedge” examines the process of art making and captures the materials and various stages involved in what, for an individual artist, is usually a personal pursuit.

The exhibit is a riot of color, information, images, reflections and inspirations. The entire gallery space has been utilized; There are no quiet moments. Books are encased in lucite on the floor as you enter the gallery (their colorful spines create an artful display), a couple of grid-like photo panels are suspended from the ceiling with twine, rolls of colored tape are piled in a corner, a laptop contributes a sound component, and a window is covered in artistic tape. The photographs and books are particularly telling. The book titles reveal the artist’s interests and possible influences. The images reference the outlines of Evans’s biography: “his childhood in Nevada, his mixed Mexican heritage, and his gay male identity.”

“eyesontheedge” is on view from March 2 to April 15, 2012. Today is the last day of the exhibit.

All photos by Arts Observer

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