Frieze New York, Part 2: Highlights from the International Contemporary Art Fair

NEW YORK—Thousands of art enthusiasts turned out for Frieze New York yesterday where galleries from around the world were showcasing work from established artists and emerging talents. Many of the works were particularly attractive to the crowds. Lisson Gallery features a large-scale work by Chinese dissident artist Ai Weiwei. His series of three standing wood boxes with aligned cut-outs proved pose-worthy. Many placed their heads in the round opening of the last box while their counterparts photographed them looking through the first box. Also popular at Lisson was an enormous yellow sphere cut-out by Anish Kapoor installed on a wall nearby. The Gagosian booth features the work of one artist—a series of carpet paintings by Italian artist Rudolf Stingel. And at Gavin Brown’s enterprise, there is a large cart outfitted with a series of chromed sausages by Rirkrit Tiravanija.

See more Frieze coverage here.

Frieze New York, which also includes a waterfront sculpture park, is taking place on Randall’s Island from May 4 to May 7, 2012.

All photos by Arts Observer

More than 170 U.S. and international galleries are participating in Frieze New York.

From left, “Magdelena” and “Daneil” (moldable plastic with wire under-frame structure) by Pawel Althamer at Foksal Gallery Foundation of Warsaw.

A series of three sculptures, “Moon Chest,” 2008 (huali wood) by Ai Weiwei at Lisson Gallery of London.

At right, in foreground, “Moon Chest” by Ai Weiwei with a large yellow sphere, an untitled piece by Anish Kapoor, in the background.

“Untitled,” 2010 (fiberglass) by Anish Kapoor at Lisson Gallery of London.

“Ship of Fools,” 2004 (thread, yellow paper, glue, vases, wood and PVC) by Joe Scanlan at Galerie Martin Janda.

From top, “Blood,” 2010 (cast iron), “Sweat,” 2010 (cast aluminum and paint), “Tears,” 2010 (cast bronze and paint) all by Darren Almond at White Cube of London.

A series of carpet paintings by Rudolf Stingel at Gagosian Gallery of New York.

Detail of carpet painting by Rudolf Stingel.

“Head with Red Painting,” 2011-2012 (wood, painted epoxy, oil paint, offset print on paper and rope) by Mark Manders at Tonya Bonakdar Gallery of New York.

“A-Z Aggregated Stacks #7,” 2012 (cardboard and plaster gauze) by Andrea Zittel at Andrea Rosen Gallery of New York.

“M-Spheres (Room Spheres),” 2012 by Bjorn Dahlem at Sies + Hoke of Dusseldorf.

“Untitled (Kramer and Newman Make Sausge),” 2012 (stainless steel, chromed sausage and two trucks) by Rirkrit Tiravanija at Gavin Brown’s enterprise. The name references characters from the TV show “Seinfeld.”

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