Inspired by Maps, Rebecca Riley Interprets the World

NEW YORK—”Randomland” by Rebecca Riley looks like a silhouette of a world’s land masses cut from a series of maps. But Riley’s maps venture beyond the seven continents. Her work, which is on exhibit in the Prow Art Space at the Flatiron Building, represents an invented world she created from road maps, topographic maps and atlas pages. Riley cuts and layers multiple hues of blue from bodies of water and bright, meandering lines depicting borders, roads and railways to form mesmerizing patterns.

Presented by Cheryl McGinnis Projects, the work is described thus: “Riley’s pangea is governed purely by aesthetics of line, shape and color representing roads, rivers, contours and boundaries.”

“Randomland” is on view in the Flatiron Building’s public art space, at the corner near 23rd Street, from June 28 to Sept. 20, 2012.

All photos © Arts Observer

The artist, Rebecca Riley (in black) works in the space on Tuesdays from 11 am to 3 pm.

Detail of “Randomland” which is composed of various kinds of maps.

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