Da Plane Da Plane…is Doing Somersaults at Central Park

NEW YORK—Amid the bustling, non-stop traffic where Central Park South, 60th Street and Fifth Avenue converge, a six-seater plane is conducting somersaults, sans pilot. Held aloft by its wings, the specially modified plane methodically rotates 360 degrees. “How I Roll” is a Public Art Fund exhibit by Italian-born artist Paola Pivi, who is based in Anchorage, Alaska. The aerial acrobatics will continue throughout the summer.

“How I Roll” is on view at Doris C. Freedman Plaza at the edge of Central Park from June 20 to Aug. 26, 2012.

All photos by Arts Observer

“How I Roll,” (1977 Piper Seneca) by Paola Pivi.

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