VOLTA NY: Impressive New Works by Emerging Artists

NEW YORK—This year’s Volta show was brimming with expressive and impressive works from emerging artists. Staged at a new venue in Soho, the invitational event was ideal for collectors interested in contemporary artists on the rise and provided an opportunity to meet the artists (and their representatives) and learn more about their projects and inspirations.

This ArtInfo article reports on sales at VOLTA. An overview of some of the most compelling works on view follows.

VOLTA NY was open from March 7 to March 10, 2013, during Armory Arts Week, at 82 Mercer in Soho.

All photos © Arts Observer

At right, Sculpture by Marc Fromm at Jarmuschek of Berlin.

Works by William Bradley at the Eb & Flow of London booth.

Detail of “Beethoven,” 2012 (books) by Long-Bin Chen at Frederieke Taylor of New York.

Detail of “Down Pour (Acid Rain),” 2010 (garden hoses, plastic tubes with oil glaze, brass ends on wood panel) by Lynn Aldrich at Jenkins Johnson Gallery of San Francisco and New York.

Installation view of “Le Delire Urbain,” 2012 (wood, serigraphies, text, coloured wool dreads) by Aime Mpane at NOMAD Gallery of Brussels.

Skoto Gallery in New York is currently exhibiting Aime Mpane‘s work. The solo show is on view from Feb. 28 to April 13, 2013.

“Icones Contemporaines,” 2012 (acrylic and mixed media on carved wood panels) by Aime Mpane.

Installation by Susanne Rottenbacher at Teapot of Cologne, Germany.

“Rivers and Red Nails,” 2013 (oil on canvas) by Maria Torp at Galleri Christoffer Egelund of Denmark.

Detail of “The Island of Atlas,” 2013 (custom-made tables, maple, painted, rusted and greased steel) by IC-98 (the artists Patrik Söderlund and Visa Suonpää) at Galleria Heino of Helsinki.

“Oba Ovonramwen of Benin,” 2011 (plastic, metal, wood) and at left, partial view of “Deities,” 2011 (rope on steel armatures), both by Osaretin Ighile at Skoto Gallery of New York.

See additional coverage of Osaretin Ighile‘s work at VOLTA.

Shoes (printed photos on rigid support, stitches, staples) by Cyril Le Van at Magrorocca of Milan.

According to the gallery: “Cyril Le Van composes plastic art work by using photography to reproduce in actual size and three dimensions objects of daily life, symbols of belonging to a group, a social or cultural identity, or characteristics of our age. The artist takes photos of all sides of Nike sneakers, Vuitton bags, Adidas T-shirts, Rolex watches, etc., then prints them on a rigid support and finally recreates them with stitches or staples.”

“Untitled,” 2007 (tissue paper hand cut with scalpel) by Elisabetta Di Maggio at Laura Bulian Gallery of Milan.

Elisabetta Di Maggio, who was on hand at the show, said that the two-panel work took a year to complete. She used a scalpel to make the intricate cut-outs which she said represent micro organisms and city grids.

Detail of “Untitled (Frame VII),” 2012 (C-print on watercolour paper) by Mohau Modisakeng at Brundyn + Gonsalves of Capetown, South Africa.

Born in Soweto in 1986, Mohau Modisakeng lives and works in Johannesburg. In his artist statement he describes his work (sculpture, video and photography) thus:

“My work deals with a number of issues most of which revolve around the question of violence as a mediator of history. It investigates the subtle nuances of specific traditions and customs informed by my background that are in some way concerned with notions of conflict, aggression and disorder.”

Both works (natural pigments and acrylic resin on canvas) by Salustiano at Kavachnina of Miami, Fla.

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