New Mark di Suvero Work ‘Tests Limits of Large-Scale Sculpture’

NEW YORK—Today is the last day to see “Paula’s Pleasure,” Mark di Suvero‘s enormous new sculpture at Paula Cooper Gallery. The 20-foot tall, red-brown steel structure commands the entire main gallery and is quite a sight, pairing industrial strength with an almost playful, wood slat swing.

You have to move around the sculpture and explore it from various angles to appreciate its many details and attributes. Visitors can sit on the swing and when it sways back and forth it makes a wonderful creaking sound—a seemingly intentional feature of the installation.

While Di Suvero is known for his sculptural work—he has many outdoor installations on public display—he also works in other mediums, including painting, drafting and printmaking. The exhibit at the Paula Cooper Gallery includes a smaller steel sculpture and a large canvas painting bursting with layers of color.

The show opened on Nov. 22 and concludes today, Dec. 23, 2011.

All photos by Arts Observer

“Paula’s Pleasure,” 2011 (steel).

“Par la Fenêtre,” 2011 (steel).

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