Madison Square Park Staff Pack Up Alison Saar Installation

NEW YORK—Yesterday, the Alison Saar sculptures in Madison Square Park were removed. At museums and galleries, the delicate task is usually undertaken by preparators and installers. In this instance, park staff handled the job. At around 11:30 a.m., they packed the bronze works in crates and loaded them on a truck. A lot goes into exhibiting art, so it is always interesting to see what is involved in the process before and after.

“Feallan and Fallow,” a six-piece installation by Los Angeles-based Saar, had been on display since Sept. 22, 2011.

Photos by Arts Observer

Madison Square Park staff prepare to pack “Summer” by Alison Saar into a crate.

The bases for a pair of sculptures called “Tree Souls” sit in crates on a truck ready to be transported.

Park staff work to unsecure a sculpture called “Fall” from the ground so it can be removed.

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