Marianne Vitale’s Installation at Zach Feuer Centers Around a Burned Bridge

NEW YORK—Marianne Vitale‘s material of choice is reclaimed lumber. She is showing three new works in the medium at Zach Feuer Gallery, rustic installations that stand in stark contrast to the white-wall interior of the contemporary space.

The exhibit, “What I Need To Do is Lighten the Fuck Up About a Lot of Shit,” centers around a bridge Vitale constructed from discarded lumber. She models the structures on real bridges, and in this instance burned it in order to create her vision.

The exhibit is on view from Jan. 19 to Feb. 25, 2012.

All photos by Arts Observer

“Hammered,” 2012 (reclaimed lumber).

Detail of “Burned Bridge,” 2012 (reclaimed lumber).

“Outhouse,” 2012 (reclaimed lumber).

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