Strolling Through the Expansive Sculpture Garden at the Baltimore Museum of Art

BALTIMORE—Three acres adjacent to the Baltimore Museum of Art are home to 34 modern and contemporary sculptures. The figurative and abstract works animate the sculpture garden‘s serene environment. The lush grounds showcase works by renowned artists commonly featured in outdoor museum collections, including Alexander Calder, August Rodin and “Sister Lu,” an enormous steel installation by Mark di Suvero, as well as lesser knowns whose creations are equally intriguing.

All photos by Arts Observer

Above, “Sister Lu,” 1978079 (steel) Mark di Suvero. Top of page, Detail of “The Visitation,” 1955 cast/original 1926 (steel) by Jacob Epstein; In background, “Horse,” 1966 (cast bronze) by Raymond Duchamp Villon.

Detail of “Seen From a Wall in Memory,” 1960 (bronze) by Mario Negri.

“Space Churn with Spheres, Variation III,” 1972 (stainless steel) by George Rickey.

“Head,” 1974 (bronze) by Joan Miro.

The sculpture garden of 34 works is sited on two terrace levels across three acres.

Foreground, “Spitball,” 1961 (mild steel, painted black) by Tony Smith.

“100 Yard Dash,” 1969 (steel, painted red) by Alexander Calder.

“Noh Musicians,” 1958/1974 (stainless steel, polished and brushed, with disc-sanded finish) by Isamu Noguchi.

“The Visitation,” 1955 cast/original 1926 (steel) by Jacob Epstein.

“Horse,” 1966 (cast bronze) by Raymond Duchamp Villon.

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