City Mural Program Spawning Unofficial Neighborhood Efforts

PHILADELPHIA—The Mural Arts Program has sprouted murals all over Philadelphia. Of course street artists have been pasting up murals for decades, but the initiative seems to have inspired artists around the city. New murals that don’t appear to be a part of the official program can be found on fences, walls and in alleys throughout the Northern Liberties neighborhood north of Old City. These images capture a few.

All photos by Arts Observer

Above, Mural on wall where Poplar Street dead ends at New Market Street. Top of page, Mural on abandoned building at the corner of 2nd and Popular streets.

Detail of mural at Poplar and New Market streets.

Detail of mural at Poplar and New Market streets.

At Bodine and Wildey streets, the fences on both sides of the intersection feature flowers.

Detail of rose mural.

Across the street from the roses, a floral fence surrounds a house painted with two birds and a turtle.

Head on view of owl and bird with a turtle.

Mural at the corner of 2nd and Popular streets.

Detail of mural at 2nd and Popular streets.

Side view of mural at 2nd and Popular streets.

Alley wall adjacent to 3rd Street parking lot between Green and Fairmont streets.

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