Swoon: Beyond the Streets

NEW YORK—Instantly recognizable, a collection of works by Caledonia Curry was a major highlight at this year’s cutlog NY art fair. Better known as Swoon, her work was exhibited at the PGartventure booth.

With roots as a wheat paste street artist, Swoon continues to explore social and environmental issues via her meticulously etched and cut works. As the works on view at cutlog demonstrate, symbolic images of women, their strength and roles in society figure prominently in her practice.

An exhibition of her work is currently at the Brooklyn Museum. “Swoon: Submerged Motherlands” is on view from April 11 to Aug. 24, 2014.

All photos by Arts Observer

The PGartventure booth at cutlog NY was dedicated to works by Swoon.

In foreground, “Nee Nee in Braddock,” 2014 (block print on mylar with coffee stain and hand painting).

Detail of “Nee Nee in Braddock” 2014.

“Street Sweeper,” 2014 (3 layer screenprint on paper wheat pasted to found object/wood).

At right, “Cairo,” 2014 (block print on mylar, coffee stained, hand painted).

Detail of “Babba Yagga,” 2012 (etching on paper with paper cutouts pasted on wood).

“Ice Queen,” (screeprint on mylar, hand painted metallics and paper cutouts, all hand sewn) at Scope NY in March 2014. The installation was a part of Natalie Kates Projects.

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