Met Exhibit Gives Voice to Contemporary Iranian Artists

NEW YORK—Whether you live in the East or the West, nations on the other side of the globe are often unfamiliar until they make international headlines. But a country’s people are rarely defined by its politics and governance or the provocations of its leadership. A nation’s culture may be a more accurate barometer of its population—offering nuance, giving individuals a voice.

A special exhibit on view at the Metropolitan Museum of Art showcases contemporary Iranian art, offering context for the Islamic republic beyond the news cycle. The seven featured works from the museum’s permanent collection are by artists who span three generations.

The exhibit is on view from March 6 to Sept. 3, 2012.

All photos by Arts Observer

“Flight of the Dolphin,” 2010 (mirror mosaic, reverse glass painting, glue and plaster on wood) by Monir Shahroudy Farmanfarmaian (Iranian, born in Qazvin, Iran, 1924).

From left, “Interrogation” by Ali Banisadr, “Flight of the Dolphin” by Monir Shahroudy Farmanfarmaian, and “Poet Turning Into Heech,” 2007 (bronze) by Parviz Tanavoli (born in Tehran, 1937).

Detail of “Interrogation,” 2010 (oil on linen) by Ali Banisadr (born in Tehran, 1976).

“‘Way In Way Out’: Women of Allah,” 1994 by (ink on photograph) Shirin Neshat (Iranian, born 1957).

“Faces #10,” 1992 (oil on canvas) by Y.Z. Kami (American, born in Iran, Teheran, 1956).

Detail of “Poet Turning Into Heech” by Parviz Tanavoli. In background, from left, “Still Garden” by Afruz Amighi, and “Faces #53” by Y.Z. Kami.

“Still Garden,” 2011 (Pe–cap and Plexiglass) by Afruz Amighi (Iranian (active America), born in Tehran, 1974).

“Faces #53,” 1993 (oil on canvas) by Y.Z. Kami (American, born in Iran, Teheran 1956).

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